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Windshield Wiper Parts

Omkar Phatak

If you want to know what the various parts of a windshield wiper are, that make its working possible, you will find what you are looking for, in the following lines.
Diagnosing a problem within a machine, requires you to understand what the various constituent components that make its working possible are. Same is the case with a windshield wiper. You need to understand the working of its various parts to figure out what's wrong with it.
Can you imagine driving in the rain or snow, without the car's faithful wipers working? It would be an understatement to call it a nightmare. They have been around for quite a while now. The first wipers arrived on the world scene at the beginning of the 20th century and with technological innovations, they have evolved over time to provide clear visibility to the driver in any weather condition.

Description of the Parts

The action of a wiper is oscillatory and it comes in various types of designs, in different car models. However, its core working remains the same. To understand its working, a knowledge of its components will be helpful.


The arms are the connectors between wiper blades and the motor. Their dimensions are designed to cover the maximum expanse of the screen and provide the blades with maximum reach.
They perform the important function of pressing the blades against the screen, ensuring maximum cleaning or wiping efficiency. In case, they are bent, they need to be replaced immediately, as they can hamper smooth functioning.


Wiper blades are the prime components that scrub the windshield clean, with every oscillatory motion. They are mostly made up of rubber, which provides the necessary flexibility and durability to outlast the continuous effect of friction.
The blades come in various sizes and you can choose a replacement by having a look at the size chart. Their body contours are designed to match the curvature of the windshield, which makes them more effective.


The most important part is the windshield motor, which make the oscillatory motion possible, in association with special worm gears. These gears convert the rotational motion of the motor into oscillatory motion of the arm, while also multiplying the torque by a multiple of fifty.
The motor also controls the intermittent working mode of the wipers, which is made possible by special electronic circuitry fitted inside. Moisture and rust can take a toll on the wiper motor over a long service life. A replacement doesn't cost a lot.
Besides these, there are other components like the pivots and other linking pieces, which give stability and solidity to the whole structure. Intelligent windshield wipers have been devised for modern cars, which detect rain and adjust the wiping speed according to its intensity.