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Water Pump Failure Symptoms

Omkar Phatak
What are the prominent water pump failure symptoms? This story has the answer to this prime question that crops up when checking car water pump status.
You car is quite a complex machine, with an elaborate mechanism for every function. The prime causes of car problems are friction and heat. To maintain the efficient functioning of the car, there is an elaborate mechanism devised to counter the heat and friction produced.
The coolant mechanism transfers the heat generated from a car engine away from it and keeps overheating problems at bay. The prime component of this cooling mechanism is the water pump that drives the coolant around the engine to prevent overheating.

Water Pump Function

In order to understand the symptoms of water pump failure, you must have a basic understanding of water pump functioning and design. What does the car water pump do? It continuously circulates water around the engine which carries away the heat generated by it.
If it were not for the water flow maintained by the pump, the engine would heat up substantially at high RPMs and eventually breakdown. In modern cars, the flow rate of water pump changes according to the value of the engine RPM.
As the engine shifts over to higher RPM values, the water flow rate increases simultaneously. This is achieved with the use of a thermostat.
The motive power for the working of a water pump is supplied by the engine itself, through a multiple rib belt attached to the crankshaft. The main working parts of a water pump are its main shaft, impeller, sealant, flange and gasket.
All these components are housed together and driven by the multiple rib belt. Any of the faulty water pump symptoms can be traced to a malfunctioning of any of these parts. Let us now look at the failed water pump symptoms in the next section.

Failure Symptoms

There are many pointers that hint towards car water pump problems. Here are the most important and prominent broken water pump symptoms:

Engine overheating is one of the most prominent symptoms of water pump failure. When an internal problem hampers the functioning of a water pump, it doesn't cool the engine that efficiently. 
As a result, the engine temperature rises at high RPMs and may cause major damage. If you notice chronic overheating, chances are that your car is suffering from water pump failure. Overheating is always bad news and must be taken very seriously, as it is indicative of problems in the coolant system, which could eventually lead to an engine failure.
Coolant Leak
Another bad water pump sign is a significant leakage of the coolant. Check out if you find any coolant leakage on the garage floor. If the leakage is substantial, it is time you got your water pump checked.
Noisy Water Pump Bearings
Noise from water pump bearings can be indicative of impending failure of the system. So get the pump checked out as soon as possible.
Corroded or Damaged Impeller
Last, but not the least, one of the prime symptoms that will only reveal itself through visual inspection is a damaged or corroded impeller. It is advisable that you go for water pump replacement, in case it is seriously damaged, as the health of the car engine is at stake.
A failure to recognize these symptoms, may eventually result into serious engine problems that may burn a big hole in your pocket! That is why, be on the watch for anything unusual that you notice in the car functioning. Your observant look may save you a lot of money that you might otherwise spend in major car repairs.
 In case you are contemplating a replacement, the cost is only $300 on an average. Go for a yearly or six monthly car checkup and servicing as it will reveal any problems that might develop in the future. That way, you can nip these problems in the bud, before they have a chance of seriously damaging your car.