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Vehicle Safety Checklist You’d Thank Us For

Rahul Thadani
It is highly important to ensure that all vehicle parts are in good working condition. Devising a checklist for safety is an elemental rule of the road, and one that must be followed diligently. Here is a checklist that will help you ensure your safety.
It is important to devise and use a checklist for safety for anyone who needs to drive their vehicle over large distances. Not conforming to safety standards is punishable by law in almost all the states, and more importantly, it helps avert potential accidents due to vehicle damage.
Even people who are driving their own personal vehicles must regularly fill out a checklist in order to have a safe trip. This should be filled out preferably once a week, and especially before embarking on a long road trip. Any parts of the vehicle that seem dysfunctional or damaged must immediately be fixed, in order to avoid an accident.
There are many parts in an automobile which can potentially cause trouble and safety issues. It would be unfeasible to check every single part immaculately, but certain precautions can be taken. Conforming to a safety checklist can provide the necessary peace of mind that everything that is within the control of the driver is already taken care of.


Potential accidents can cause loss of life as well as goods, so it is always better to be prepared in advance. A person must check for the following items in a vehicle.

Seat Belts

See that they are not damaged or worn out, and that they click into place properly.

Rear-view Mirrors

See that they are not damaged, and that you can see in them clearly.


See that it is working in proper order, and is loud enough to be heard.


Check them in high beam and low beam mode to see if they are working fine.

Windshield Wipers and Fluid

Make sure they are working properly in order to avoid a muddy and unclear windshield. Also, ensure that the windshield is intact for the purpose of better visibility.

Turning Indicators

See if the front and back indicators are in proper condition.


See that the stopping power is strong enough to brake suddenly and see that emergency brake works in case it is required in an emergency.

Steering Wheel

Check that the alignment of the wheels is correct and that there are no obstacles to steering.

Air and Pressure of Tires

Check that they are not damaged and are working properly. Also, carry a spare tire.


Check that they are all working properly.

Brake Lights

See that they work when you brake, for the purpose of warning people behind you. Check if license plate light is working, so that it helps people around you.

Oil and Cooling System

Make sure that the necessary levels are met, as failure to do so can cause serious engine damage.

Fire Extinguisher

Secure it properly within your reach, in case a fire breaks out in the vehicle.

Instructions on Safety Concerns

Ensure that you have them in your vehicle for the benefit of fellow passengers.

First aid Kit

Check the contents and replace the expired medicines. You will need them in case the need arises en route.

Proper Documents and Licenses

Ensure that you have all the appropriate documents. You will need them if you are stopped on the road by the authorities to check for vehicle registration.
It would not be possible for a regular person to carry out these safety checks all by himself, so visiting a mechanic for this purpose is not a bad idea. For drivers of freight delivery companies, there are mechanics on the payroll of the company who can fill out the checklist, so that all the norms and requirements are met.
The purpose of this checklist is not inspection, it is merely a survey of the various parts of a vehicle to ensure their functionality. In the middle of a long drive, if a certain part suddenly malfunctions, it would be quite difficult to repair or replace it. It can lead to some dangerous situations, and this potential danger should be minimized.
If there is any part that needs immediate repair, it should be carried out without further ado. Delaying the repair of some important auto parts can have dire consequences.
The safety checklist includes items that are present within the car as well as on the body. No aspect must be ignored at any time, and failure to do so can also land you in trouble with the law in most states.