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Manual Transmission Shifting Tips and Techniques

Scholasticus K
Many people have realized the benefits of driving a car with manual transmission and are slowly shifting over to the concept. For those of you who have not driven manual transmission vehicles before, here are some tips and techniques regarding the same.
All automobiles around the world that have an internal combustion engine work on the kinetic energy that is transferred from the engine to the wheels of the car. The gearbox that is used to reduce or increase the kinetic energy is controlled manually in manual transnational systems.
So, what exactly happens inside the gearbox, when the car is running in a this mode? The gearbox is a complex structure that can have about 1 to 5 combination of gears (it may vary from car to car). This combination of gears is used to transfer the kinetic energy.
For example, in the first gear combination, the size of the principle gear is large, hence the energy transferred is low. Due to the low transfer of energy, the car cannot exceed a specific speed limit. All the other gears work in the same manner, with the last one transferring a huge amount of energy to the wheels.
In case of gearboxes with an automatic transmission system, specially devised sensors change the gears according to the velocity of the car. This system provides genuine comfort to the person driving the car. However, there are some drawbacks of this, like a reduced mileage or excessive fuel and energy wastage during heavy traffic.

Tips and Techniques for Manual Transmission

The first tip that I would like to offer is to get to know the system well. A person who wants to drive a car in the manual transmission mode must know the action of the gear shift lever. It must be noted that every gear change is different and the lever must be moved in a particular direction with appropriate pressure in order to change the gear.
One must also know functions of the three foot pedals on the floor. Every pedal has a different function. The accelerator pedal, also known as the gas pedal, is used to increase the speed of the car.
On the other hand, the brake pedal is used to slow down or stop the car. The third pedal, known as the clutch, is the most critical of all. It is attached to a device that is known as the clutch inside the gearbox. When the clutch pedal is pressed down, the contact between the transmission system and the engine is cut off.
The clutch is pressed down when the driver wants to change the gear. Thus, the car goes to "neutral" when the clutch is pressed down.
The basic technique in manual transmission is to start the movement of the car gradually. Press the clutch and bring the car to a neutral stage, i.e., move the gear lever into the middle slot. Start the engine and again press down the clutch. Move the gear lever into the first gear. When the gear is engaged, you will hear a slight click. Remember not to release the clutch during the process, as it can damage the gearbox.
After the gear has been engaged, slowly and gradually release the clutch. Simultaneously, press down the accelerator pedal slightly. Remember to co-ordinate the pressing down and release of the gears, as it leads to a very smooth gear engagement. One more thing that you must bear in mind is that a sudden release of clutch makes the car jump and stall.
Among the other techniques, a very important tip is that once the car is in motion, when one has to increase or decrease the speed, simply press down the clutch and transmit the appropriate gear. A higher gear will give you more energy and a lower one will give you lesser energy.
Of all the manual transmission shifting techniques, this is the one that people tend to forget. One should never be in a hurry to engage higher gears, especially during heavy traffic.
Driving unnecessarily in the higher gear is not only risky, but it also reduces the mileage of the vehicle. Correct gear shifting is a matter of practice and not just about the theory.
For a beginner, following these tips and techniques will definitely help him familiarize with the basics of driving. Last, but not least, the final tips are to use a seat belt while driving, and driving safe.