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How to Fix Head Gasket Leak

Azmin Taraporewala
The head gasket is an extremely essential component of the vehicles combustion mechanism.
A head gasket that is damaged can lead to repairing the gasket involving a considerable amount of money to be invested in the process.
The function of the head gasket is a vital one in maintaining the complete functioning of combustion engine in cars. Maintaining a car involves managing and maintaining the head gasket of the car as well. A head gasket of the car is located between the piston cylinder head and the engine block that is situated inside the car engine.
For internal combustion to occur inside the piston cylinder, high degree of compression is required. This is possible because there is a seal that is provided by the head gasket. The main function of the head gasket is thus to seal the engine cylinder to facilitate adequate compression levels.
When the engine cylinder is sealed, the head gasket ensures that the vaporized gas in the engine does not find any leaks. The coolant or engine oil does not leak and mix up in the combustion chambers.
When the head gasket starts to leak, the result is not a very well-functioning car. An engine overheating may cause a head gasket to blow up and it may lead to a lot of problems like leakage of oil, thereby leading to oil dilution. The power of the engine is affected courtesy the damage, and the leaks in the head gasket.
Moreover, if the engine oil mixes with the coolant, there could be a significant reduction in the lubrication of the engine leading to permanent damage. Here are some symptoms that may lead you to believe that the head gasket is damaged and something needs to be done before the condition gets worse.

Symptoms of a Possible Head Gasket Damage

  • You mark that the temperature of the car remains consistently high.
  • You check the engine coolant level and you conclude that the coolant levels have dropped significantly.
  • You notice a froth like display of the engine oil on the dipstick, you must then understand the coolant and the engine oil have managed to mix up directing towards a head gasket leak.
  • You come across a sweet smell evicted from the exhaust pipe accompanied with water droplets.
  • You let the engine rest and cool down for about twenty minutes and you manage to open the car hood and locate the coolant overflow tank. When the tank cap is removed and it makes a popping sound, that means the cooling system is under pressure even after the engine has shutdown.

Fixing a Damaged Head Gasket

Here is an easy and less expensive way to fix the head gasket leaks. However, this method will not work if the head gasket leak is too big to repair. The method centers around a simple chemical called sodium silicate.
This is one type of chemical that is used as an important ingredient in liquid detergents. It is also used as an adhesive. The simple way to repair a leaky head gasket is to add about half a pint of sodium silicate to the antifreeze in your radiator. Let it circulate through your heating system too.
Through this, the sodium silicate will fix and successfully seal the leak in your head gasket. Under the influence of the heat transmitted by your car engine, the sodium silicate will be transformed back into glass which will seal the leak completely.
This is a property of sodium silicate and this method is an effective way of sealing the leak in the head gasket.
You cannot use this method if the leak is too huge to be repaired and the other condition being, if water is mixed up from your leaking head gasket in oil. If you add sodium silicate to an engine's head gasket, this is then capable of effectively destroying your engine permanently.

Head Gasket Repair Cost

Well, the head gasket repair cost can be minimal if you have caught the symptoms of the head gasket leak in time. The sodium silicate solution can cost you a few dollars. However, if the damage is done, it would be better to seek expert aid. The repair cost would range between $1000 to $3000 approximately.
It is better to maintain your car and have it serviced on an ongoing basis and if you fail to do so, you should be well-prepared to face the brunt!