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Foods You Should Never Eat While Driving

Shweta Ajwani
The next time you are running late for office, and have no time for breakfast, you might want to think twice about finishing your half-eaten hot dog while driving to work. Read on to find out how dangerous this practice could be.

Danger Ahead!

According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the odds of an accident increased by 80% if the driver was eating while driving!
Another study by the same association proved that eating and drinking while driving was a cause of 65% of the 'near-miss' accidents. If numbers and statistics are to be believed, then eating while driving is far more dangerous than texting while driving!
If these figures are still not persuasive enough to prevent you from being a distracted driver, read how these delicious, mouth-watering, glazed, and can't-keep-your-hands-off innocent foods can pose a threat to your car, your life, and the lives of others on the road as well. As surprising as it may sound, coffee tops this list. Read on, to find out why.

Ten Foods You Should Never Eat While Driving

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
The most important drink of the day for almost half the human race, the morning cuppa brewed fresh and hot, can prove to be a downer if consumed while driving.
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
Think about it―potholes on the road, sharp curves, u-turns, maddening traffic―it is just not possible to drive your car around all these obstacles with one hand on the wheel and the other holding your coffee, without soiling your outfit or your car interiors.
Hot Soup
Decided to stick to your low-calorie diet and have hot, steamy vegetable soup for breakfast? That's okay, but do that at the breakfast table and not in the driver's seat of your car, while driving!
Unless you want burns and boils on your body, hot and sticky vegetables and garnish over your crisp office outfit, and a stinky day at work!
You can't resist Mom's tacos even though you don't have time for breakfast. It seems difficult to eat while driving. How are you going to eat, drive, dodge traffic, and handle mayo, veggies, and sauces all at once?
Tight, sloppy, and bursting at the seams with mayo, cheese, and lettuce! They're tasty, but instead of eating them while driving, spend five minutes at a table or at the restaurant.
Burgers are meant to be eaten with both hands, and that's how they should be eaten and enjoyed. Surely, not with more than half your attention directed towards traffic lights and the traffic cop on the road.
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
Fried Chicken/ Barbecued Food
Don't be misled by commercials featuring buddies eating fried chicken while driving. Dishes like fried chicken and barbecued ribs can get messy due to their oils and sauces.
Unless you are okay with your lap being sloshed with sauce drips, your steering wheel getting all greasy, and your car seats getting oil-stained, it is strongly advised to eat these foods where they should be eaten―at the barbecue.
Jelly-filled Donuts
Yes, there is no fixed time, place, or day to eat these small packages of sweet heaven, but eating sugar-powdered, jelly-filled, or choco-dipped donuts while driving can cost your clean clothes and shiny leather car interiors.
The distraction of driver increases significantly when he/she indulges in this sweet craving, and it is justified too. Avoid distraction on road, and enjoy your donuts peacefully, no matter how late you are running. Donuts are allowed a certain partiality.
Bottled Drinks
Many drinks, including energy drinks, sodas, juices, and hot or cold beverages, can spill from unexpected stops or potholes, causing discomfort. The risk won't even be completely eliminated by using a straw.
You wouldn't want mosquitoes, ants, and fleas to make your daily trip their home. The most difficult foods to control while driving are chocolates and ice creams, which are both delectable and messy.
Chocolates and Ice creams
Picking out vegetables from under the seats while cleaning your car is still easier, but it is a real task to get rid of the chocolate stains that magically merge with your car's beige-brown interiors, and the tiniest ice cream cone particles stuck in seat corners that refuse to give in, even to the strongest of vacuum cleaners.
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
How? How would you eat a bowl full of cereal and milk while driving? Unless you have two pairs of hands, one controlling the steering wheel and gear box, and the other used to eat.
Not to mention, you would need an extra pair of eyes too, one to concentrate on the road ahead and the other to look into your cereal bowl. Even if somehow you are blessed with these extraordinary features, just think what would happen if you drive over a pothole whilst driving at top speed.
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
French Fries
Not to repeat the same old stuff, but this time, it is going to be salt all over your clothes, face, and car, instead of sugar, cream, ketchup, or mayo.
Easiest finger food there ever was, it should still be avoided while driving, to stay away from distractions and ultimately, road mishaps.

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Eating while driving is not an illegal activity, but it sure is a dangerous practice. Being distracted by fussing over food could lead to reckless driving which could cause mishaps on the road.