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Dump Truck Safety Tips

Dhanashree Patane
Dump truck is an essential vehicle in all the sites for construction and similar work. Due to the nature of work they deliver, dump truck safety tips are a must, to be followed. Listed are some important tips that can help.
Trucks and heavy vehicles are tough modes of transport. A dump truck is one of the strongest, effective and popular commercial transportation vehicles. Right from its invention in the 1920s', this truck has taken loads of work to be delivered with brilliance and less hassles.
We all know what a dump truck is, it is the huge truck that has a dump box located in the rear, that can be used to fill material like sand, dirt and other material. A mechanism elevates the back box that is hinged mostly to the tail end of the truck.
Most of the time hydraulics operate the dump box for the elevation and other procedures. With the increased use of this truck in every possible sector of construction and similar industries, the levels of accidents and mishaps have also increased.
Considering the nature of work and the load of the truck, sliding and tipping of the trucks is a possibility. So to avoid all these, there are certain guidelines or what we can term as safety tips and procedures. These are specially important and helpful for those keen on starting a truck company.
Some have been designed by law and some need to be taken care of by the driver and operator of the truck. Abiding by these guidelines and following certain measures will definitely help in a safe experience with a dump truck at work.

Tips for Dump Truck Safety

For a dump truck the safety levels are elevated with the number of serious hazards that have been witnessed and that can pose risks in the future. The reason being the work sites and off loading and loading locations of the truck, where rollovers and tipping of the truck has most favorable conditions.
The following is a list of important measure and points to take care of when working on a dump truck.
  • Let us begin with tips to follow before you load the material in the truck. Make sure that you check and inspect the truck thoroughly. 
This starts with checking the tire pressure, it should be even and optimum on both sides. Make sure all the mechanisms of the dump box are working properly. Check the safety features, suspension and hydraulic systems for elevation.
  • Next comes stability. This is the most important feature, especially for the safety of old dump truck, when loading and dumping the truck too. Stability is the most affected and risk posing factor in a dump truck. Make sure you level the ground for the unloading of the dump truck. 
You can also build a barrier like, pile of material, that can support the rear unloading point or edge. You may also build a berm, that has an upward angle to support the rolling back of the dump truck.
  • Loading is another aspect that is important. Follow the permitted axle weight and gross weight set by the law of transportation. The material that you load should be laid evenly in the box. 
Begin loading in the center of the box. If the material is not free-flowing, pile up more material at the top end of the dump box. Make sure the box surface is even and allows unrestricted flow of the material. You may also use box liners that can help.
  • Stability issues should also be considered when choosing the truck for a specific work purpose. For work in uneven and rough filling areas, semi trailers should be avoided, pups and standard straight trucks can be a better option for work in such areas. 
It is not possible always to choose a truck type for a specific site. However whenever possible, contractors must take a look at all the available options.
  • Before dumping the material, check the grounds and area for unloading, check the unevenness of the surface, and check for soft and sludgy surfaces. Make sure there are no vehicles parked close to the truck, so as to avoid any hazards due to tipping. 
The surroundings should not be cramped with other operators and workers scattered close to the dump truck. There should be enough space for the truck when dumping.
  • For controlling traffic, make sure you have a good back up alarm, and lighting. The operator must pay attention during the entire process of dumping, make sure the tail gates are open and the area is clear when backing.
Abiding by these will help you deliver safe and efficient service at work. For all the operators, apt solutions to tackle emergency situations is a must have. And these dump truck safety tips are basics that one should follow and encourage for overall safety.