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5 Things You Should Do Following a Car Accident

Car accidents affect millions of Americans every year, leaving us to deal with the aftermath of injury and property damage.
Modern Times


Car accidents occur every minute of the day in the United States, costing Americans over $230 billion per year. That burden also doesn’t take into account the time away from work or extended hospital stays that may be required after you have been involved in a crash.

Knowing five simple steps can make the recovery process much easier.

Call for Help

After an accident, your cognitive functions are diminished – if even just slightly. You may suffer from superficial scratches and bruises, but these almost certainly hide more significant injuries underneath.

The first thing to do after a crash is to call 911 and then a parent, friend, or coworker for support, even if you think you are fine.

Let Paramedics Evaluate You

Often times, victims of car accidents get checked out and then feel well enough to continue on with their daily routine.

By declining a thorough check you are depriving yourself of an invaluable resource that could set you back weeks or months of recovery time. If you feel questionable, let the ambulance take you to the nearest medical center for evaluation.

Find an Attorney You Trust

Hiring a car accident attorney is a critical step in the process after an accident. No matter who is at fault, you are entitled to assistance from your insurance providers: both health and vehicle.

Unfortunately, your misfortune means a dip in earnings, so providers often drag their feet on payouts. Hire a lawyer to fight for your rights while you recover.

Continue With Follow-ups Your Doctor Recommends

The worst thing you can do following an accident is to not listen to your doctor. He or she sees countless victims of car accidents and knows how to treat your aches, pains, and internal damages.

If your doctor wants to see you again in two weeks, make sure you keep the appointment: your doctor wants to ensure you are healing properly, so listen!

Take Full Advantage of Insurance Benefits

You likely have access to worker’s compensation or paid time off, either as a part of your employment package or through your insurance company. Make sure you take enough time away to recover as you need.

Getting back to the daily grind too soon may aggravate your symptoms and contribute to declining health. Take the time to take care of yourself.


Car accidents are an extreme burden on our time, health, and money. They seemingly only touch our lives at the worst possible times and getting back on your feet can drag out for months afterward.

Being prepared for the misfortune is the first step in being made whole after a crash, and knowing what to do will cut out much of the frustration.